Top 8 haunted phone numbers you should never call.

                 Top 8  Haunted Phone Numbers you should never call 

Never call this phone numbers at 3 AM,I called it and something happened. I don't advise you to call one of these phone numbers, simply because they are associated with something dark.

Did you pick up the phone and are looking to call someone? You can try calling up customer support or even ordering you favourite  walking dead anniversary set ( It's cool for sure), but there are numbers you should never call. No we are not just talking about Scame here. Nor do we think you will end up paying something if you do call one of the numbers we listed. 

That being sad, we don't advise you to call one of these phone numbers, simply because they are associated with something dark. While it's always a good idea to be wary of scammers and scams, you may not want to take a risk here. 

What should you do if you call one of these phone numbers? 
And then we will take a look at a few numbers you probably can call but wouldn't want to. For instance, there is even a number associated with death! Now, do remember some of these phone numbers won't work for everyone. For instance, some numbers are associated with certain countries.

If you are brave enough, you could try these out, and tell us what happened.

                         What are the top numbers you should never call? 
Calls are themselves the scariest part of a conversation.Okay, not for you but mostly for people like me. However, there are some legends and some real life experiences that say that calls are not so scary but there are some more numbers that add horror to the extreme thrill of calling normal numbers. I am going to talk about stories that will scare you. 

Now, here is the thing.If you are calling these phone numbers, you need to have the courage to pick up any call or to call someone. If you are scared of your life, again, don't do it!

  1(207)404 2604
Another of the numbers you should never call, this number was said to be a promotion tactic for the movie "CARRIE". To entice the audience, the makers provided a trailer ending with the slogan "Call Carrie" along with the number. When you try this number, another number calls you back 3 times in a row with creepy sounds and messages. 

The first one gives you goosebumps because you hear some horrifying screaming as soon as you pick up your phone. The second one brings your ears some melody with a spooky song sung and the last will tell you some important information by a spine chilling whispering in your ears. 

Now, it is totally your call if you are ready to get three creepy calls in a row that can scare you to death. But, the promotion tactic has definitely worked wonders for the film and still makes the film's existence evident. Are you feeling adventurous? You could get an iPhone for yourself separately just to be on the safe side and try to make calls to see! Don't risk it with your number. 

In the USA, if you call number 666 it is said that you can contact the devil. Many have tried this at home and everyone has different experiences to tell. 

These experiences are said to vary upon your state of mind during the call and your belief in ghosts or other supernatural stuff. 

Some say nothing happens after calling, some report that they heard some eerie music and many of them have heard satanic noises. If you are a weak person, you can be scared to death by calling this spooky number. If you are curious enough, brace yourself and be ready for the after effects after calling the number. Anything can happen!

Among the top numbers you should never call, this number is a part of urban legend and rumors surround this number saying that this is a "RED ROOM NUMBER" used to track down the physical location of people who call themselves or answer the calls they receive from it. 

If you are an extremely adventurous and risk loving person who has things like getting kidnapped on your bucket list, you can call to this number. You will be kidnapped, brought to the red room (EXCITING ENOUGH), tortured, killed or both. The sessions are said to be telecasted live over the web. It's one of the scary phone numbers to call.

Thought to be a cursed number in Asia, callers experience a male voice threatening you to tell 15 others about the number is heard. If you don't agree to him, you could die within a week. It is believed that this number belongs to the dead and if you receive a call from it, that means your deceased loved one is trying to reach you. 

It is interesting to know that even the dead people have a phone number. But reaching to a deceased person by calling this number is simply not an idea I would recommend. 

People tried calling and heard it be a petrifying one. One can hear several things when he tries it himself. A man counting and repeating numbers 1,3 and 7 following by a sound of someone calling out your name, and what activity you're doing during the calling session and they're following your every move.

Cursed number in Bulgaria.It's told that the mobile number owner dies a horrible death. The first man was CEO VLADIMIR GRAHNOV who owned the number died of an aggressive form of cancer. The second man to die was the next CEO. The third one was konstantin dishliev .They both were mercilessly shot dead on the street. After the incidents, the phone numbers was blocked by the company. Don't believe us? Check this article from Daily Mail.   

6666666666/ 16666666666
Number of the devil. This number do not show up in the phone bills. When you ring this number, a hollow voice and a lot of static in the background is heard. The message was automatically erased after a few hours and there was no sign of it on the bill. 

Urban legend in Thailand that the number is cursed. When you call, you are asked to make a wish, wish will be granted but you will die soon afterwards in a freak accident within a week. It's surely one of the numbers you should never call.

Note: If you have any questions, let us know in the comment section below!!! 


  1. Very interesting and rare information 😊👍

    1. Thanks I am happy to hear your feedback. If you like it you can share it among your friends too. Thanks


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